Sunday, February 26, 2006


I picked my children up today from their visit with their father. They were there for a week. As soon as I picked them up I took them out to eat for lunch. We went into the restaurant, which was a buffet. I figured I was safe with this, they could get whatever they wanted without an argument. We went up to the buffet and came back to the table with our food. My son Jason asked me if I wanted his fish. I said, "No," then he said, "I thought it was this really delicious looking piece of chicken, but it ended up being this really nasty piece of fish." I couldn't help but laugh. I remember a few years ago they called everything chicken. If I cooked roast, they would always ask if they could have some more chicken.

Then a few minutes ago my daughter wanted to get the remote control that belongs to the t.v. in the livingroom. She somehow managed to misplace hers for her bedroom. I asked her, "What, do you expect me to keep getting up to change the channel instead of you?" She just started laughing and said, "yes, you watch the same channel ALL DAY LONG, it just makes sense." Now I couldn't help but laugh, she had a point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, kids can say the funniest things some glad to see you post again...I've missed you! I imagine school has kept you busy though.