Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My daughter thinks I am crazy

My daughter and I are sitting here in the livingroom. I am watching some commercials that just came on the television and my daughter is on the computer. Her back is actually facing the t.v. A commercial came on I can't remember exactly what it was about, just that whatever it was made me kind of cry. Yes I am extremely emotional. I can cry at a Hallmark commercials, although I do know that this was not one of those. Actually it isn't really a cry, but sort of a cry/laugh at the same time. I know it's weird. Anyways, I was a little delayed with my crying of sorts, so the next commercial came on when I started. My daughter heard me crying/laughing and turned around to look at the t.v.

"MOM, it's a Clorox commericial!"

I never did tell her that it wasn't because of the Clorox commercial. Oh well.


Anonymous said...

Oh I can so cry at commercials too! Just the other night I cried at a movie preview. It was about a young girl who realizes there is so much more to life than just shopping and boyfriends and decides to help people in China who have physical limitations...it just brought tears to my eyes with only a few minutes nto it...so don't feel bad, we all do that once in a while, LOL.

Rhonda said...

haha, glad I am not alone, but I do it more than once in a while.

Topwomen said...

I don't cry usually at anything anymore. But when I do, it comes out of the blue and takes everyone, including me, by surprise because it's usually something seemingly insignificant.

Rhonda said...

well most of the things I cry about are insignificant. I am just really touched by the good deeds of others. I'm such a big baby.

Topwomen said...

r.marie, you're not a baby at all, you're just sensitive. That's a nice thing : )