Saturday, February 18, 2006

Quality service is hard to find, but it is out there!

I hate having my order messed up, but having the problem corrected in a professional manner just wins me over every time. I can forgive the biggest screw up as long as they know how to handle a customer complaint. Have you ever had something go wrong and you have approached a business with a complaint and the response was not what you expected? I have, and I am one that will certainly stop being a patron if I am treated poorly. I can be extremely stubborn. I will drive ten miles out of my way just to avoid giving them any more of my money.

First instance of great customer service today:

I ordered a pizza today from a local Jet's Pizzeria. I am alone this weekend and figured I would just munch on it so I wouldn't have to cook or go out. I picked up the pizza and drove home with it. I soon realized that the pizza was not completely cooked. Nothing like eating uncooked dough for a pizza. So I called them up and explained the situation to them. The girl was very pleasant and offered to give me another one if I returned the original one. Of course, I had absolutely no problem returning it. It wasn't like I was going to eat it. I explained to her that I had picked it up and that I did not have any intentions of leaving the house again today. I asked her if I could have it delivered, but explained that I did not expect to pay a delivery charge. She put me on hold for a minute, when she returned she agreed to not charge me delivery charges. She did explain that it would take approximately 1 1/2 hours to get the pizza, that was a bit long, but I really didn't mind. To me this is an example of good customer service. The girl on the phone was polite, met my needs, I was very happy. I can't always say this is the case, and let me tell you I can be a pain in the A** when things don't go my way. I always do give the business the opportunity to correct the mistake before I go crazy. There is a story somewhere on this blog, way back, that details another incident with a pizza parlor. Where the elderly woman (owner) actually told me to pick the unwanted items off. It is ten years latelr and I still can't believe she said that to me. Let's just say, I will never go back there EVER!!!

My next incident with great customer service today:

I went to my local video store. I have to write a contrast/comparison about the movies Wyatt Earp and Tombstone for my English class. The video store didn't care Wyatt Earp, but the did have Tombstone. I took it up to the clerk, and had a quick conversation with him about my situation. He took it upon himself to call another completely different store (outside of his chain) to check to see if they had the movie in. I know that referrals are common in business, but I think this was well beyond what he needed to do. Most employees that I come across would just say, "sorry we don't carry it." I just thought this was awesome, and they certainly have gained my loyalty.

Not much, but just my thoughts for the day.


Topwomen said...

those are great thoughts. I abhor poor cs and absolutely adore great cs and I let each know my feelings when encountered.

There's NOTHING like someone going above and beyond like the video guy, THAT is rare and I pile on the compliments for that sort of thing.

Matt said...

Great customer service isn't all that to do, either, but a lot of business somehow can't pull it off. I'm very loyal to any place that knows how to take care of its customers.

Anonymous said...

I so agree...customer service makes the world of difference. And I will also remain loyal to a place when they go out of their way to do the right thing or to make sure I'm happy with their service. So, have you gotten any scrapbooking done lately? Or your weekly art project? I hope to see your creations soon....:)

Rhonda said...

Marie-I have not gotten anything accomplished lately. My focus has pretty much been on my classes though. I just started back to work today, and now I am sitting at school waiting for my class to start. It is until 9 pm so I will be here for a while. I am soooooo tired right now, but I can't skip out of class.