Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The events of my uneventful day

I know that is a contradiction, but it is what it is.

After the kids got off to school I decided to lie back down for a bit. My sleep was interrupted by the telephone ringing. It was my daughter on the phone asking me to bring her lunch that she had forgotten. I asked her what time she needed it by before hanging up the phone. Twelve o'clock, that gave me some time to get myself together before leaving.

I decided to surprise her, so instead of packing her a lunch I stopped at the Subway down the street and picked up her up a sub and some Sun Chips for lunch. She loves Subway sandwiches. I didn't get a chance to see her when I went to the school, but when she got home she told me that she was really surprised that she didn't expect it. Nothing big, but I know my kids enjoy those little things once in a while that make them feel special.

What special thing has someone done to you, that seemed so small but meant so much?

I once had a guy that drove almost 1 1/2 hours (one way) to bring me lunch at work. He drove all that way and only got to spend about twenty minutes with me. Along with my lunch he brought me some roses. This was a very sweet jesture. Things didn't work out with us, but what an impression he made that day.

Back to my day....(you know I can easily lose my train of thought)

I started dinner for the kids. I threw a whole chicken in the oven, with some potatoes, all that my nephew had to do was take it out, and add some vegetables. Of course with my kids that means green beans. They absolutely love green beans and can eat them probably seven days a week.

With that done I was off to school. I am usually the first person in the classroom. I am so good about being where I should be on time, actually I tend to be there early. This is one reason why I like to keep some reading material with me at all times, so that I can always have something to occupy my time.

Last night was my speech class. I'll talk about my fears of public speaking at a later time, but for now I'll share with you a discussion I had with two girls in my class. Actually they are a set of fraternal twins. We were broken up into groups of four to come up with a solution to a specific secenario that actually happened to another girl in our room. As we were just getting introduced to our groups and settling in one of the girls said, "Do you know who you look like?" So I responded with, "don't tell me Laura Ingalls."I hear this all the time, well at least I use to before I was a blonde. When I do bring it up though everyone always say, "OMG, you do look like her!" You can obviously see the age gap between me and these girls, because they had absolutely no idea who I was talking about. It ended up being that no they were not saying that I looked like Laura Ingalls, but instead some character out of a comic strip. Now I'm curious, because they could not remember what the character's name was, just that I looked like it. As a matter of fact, they insisted that it was a good thing, that I looked so much like it that it was as if the artist had created a character specifically for me. I always hated to be compared to Laura Ingalls, but I'm not sure that I like the idea of being compared to a cartoon character either. I'm not sure which one I like better.


As I am heading home after class I realize that I have not had dinner, so I decided to stop at McDonalds and grab me something quick to eat. As I pulled up to the speaker I was informed that their computers were down for drive-thru and that I was welcome to come inside and order. NO THANK YOU. It was cold as heck last night, I was not about to take myself out of the car if I didn't have to. I pulled right out of the drive and into Taco Bell's parking lot. I order my food and as I was pulling up to the window I found myself doing another one of my bad habits. Calculating the change in my head before I get to the window. This is a habit I picked up while working at a fast food restaurant some years ago. When I use to work the drive-thru window I was obsessed with calculating the customers change in my head before entering it into the register. Obviously I am still obsessed.

After arriving home....

I jumped on the computer. Shortly after I realized that Blogger was down AGAIN. Geez, this thing seems to be down more than my satellite t.v. I don't know which one makes me crazier.

So off to bed I went. There are the events of my uneventful day.

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