Saturday, February 04, 2006

Old time circle journals

While searching one of the links in a post from rgmb I ran across a little something that I found interesting.

In the scrapbooking world there has become an interest in creating decorative circle journals. While browsing rgmb's link I came across one on that site from the early 1900's that I found very interesting.

Look here and here for details.

I love the idea of someone finding my journals interesting a hundred years from now.


Matt said...

Maybe someone will be reading through your blog 100 years from now.

Rhonda said...

yeah, hopefully.

Topwomen said...

r. marie, did you notice that lock of hair on the front of the circle journal you pictured? That's really neat. I have locks of hair from ancestors who thankfully chose to save them from the late 18th/early 19th century. I have lots of redheads in my heritage coming from Scots/Irish decent it seems!

Rhonda said...

Yes I did notice that, but thanks for mentioning it. The thought of having something from so long ago is just awesome to me. I take after my father who is German/Irish, my sister takes after my mother who is Italian/Hungarian. My natural hair color is probably a light/med brown with LOTS of red highlights. Sometimes when people use to look at me they would aways ask me "are you a redhead?" You did't see it all the time, but when you did it is kind of like WOW! Growing up always hated to be called a redhead. There is a story behind how I became a blonde, maybe one day I'll tell that too. For now I am off to pick my daughter up from her sleepover.

Anonymous said...

Wow, awesome post! Thanks for the links....yes, I often wonder too if someone will ever care to read my journals after I'm gone.