Thursday, February 09, 2006

Just two things to say today

Just two things to say today:

*I truly believe that I am the only one in my household that knows how to change the toilet paper roll.

*I think I my English teacher loves chaos in the classroom. I like him, but he is starting to frustrate me.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha, so true! The same in my house, no one else seems to ever know how to do it! I'm always the one to do it, LOL
Good luck in your class.

Rhonda said...

Maria-I'm glad I'm not the only one.

BW-My preference is to have the toliet paper roll from the top, not sure if that goes along with others of my sex, but this is me.

Rhonda said...

Naw, just the opposite BW. I can't think of a thing to talk about. Thanks for asking though.

Topwomen said...

hey missy, waaas up?

Rhonda said...

I have a case of bloggers block. I'm surprised I could even get my dream out the other day. Since I have so few I wanted to make sure to include it before I forgot. I'll try to get back on track.

Anonymous said...

Hi there!

Happy V-day! Hope your bloggers block goes away! Miss ya!

Topwomen said...

that was a great dream though!

Not to worry about the blockage, life's draino will come along before you know it and BAM you're free and clear.

Rhonda said...

Maria-Happy Valentines Day to you also. I did get one phone call first thing this morning wishing me a happy valentines day from my dear friend James in Oklahoma. I am ALWAYS single on all holidays, so I NEVER get anything. Well at least the holidays that a for gift giving. I have had a boyfriend on the 4th of July, and that was cool. He took me over to Canada to watch the fireworks that are shared between Windsor and Detroit. Glad we were on the Windsor side because the Detroit side had a shooting there that night. I believe about 5 people were shot in the crowd. What a terrible thing.

rgmb-I seemed to have switched. Now that I have bloggers block, I managed to unlock my dreams it seems. I had another one this morning, AND I REMEMBER IT.

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