Saturday, February 04, 2006

Disappointing trips to the video store

Does anyone have a video membership at Blockbuster Videos? I do, and I must say that I am very disappointed. Ever since they started that deal about no late fees I have stopped patronizing their stores. I find it extremely irritating to drive all the way to the video store with intentions of renting a good movie to enjoy over the weekend, only to find that all the new releases are completely sold out. They have fifty millions copies (okay maybe an exaggeration) of one movie, but when I show up the shelves are completely bare. It's like Old Mother Hubbard at the video store. In my opinion the guy that came up with this idea is an idiot. No late fees, WOW, that's a great idea now nobody has to return them. Since nobody returns them, nobody can rent them. Since nobody can rent them, they leave the store disappointed and never return. Don't get me wrong, I am not that easy to run off. They did not lose my business because of one incident, this happened over and over and over.....

So I did switch to another video store. Last night I went there with the kids to rent some videos for our viewing pleasure this weekend. I walked in and had a flashback of my experience at Blockbuster. Nearly all the new releases were gone, the only thing left on the shelves were the plastic holders for the displays (the jacket covers) and dust. Disappointed again. So I browse through the shelves anyways, just to make sure I didn't miss anything. I walked all the way through A-Z, then back again. There just happened to be about 25 copies of one movie, Lord of War, with Nicolas Cage. So I picked it up along with the other two older movies that the kids decided to get and proceeded to the checkout. I had not seen the previews for this movie, so I was hoping it would be good. I have seen some other Nicolas Cage movies and found them to be interesting so I thought what the heck why not?

Oh let me also mention how disappointed I was that the last time I had decided to have a video viewing weekend I returned them late. Of course I didn't know this when I dropped them off, I guess if I paid closer attention I would have known. So my three movies ended up costing me $29 total.

Finally we piled into the car and off we went. After getting home I let the kids watch their movie first, afterwards we put in my movie. In my opinion this movie sucked right from the beginning. I can't say that I gave it my total attention, I didn't even finish watching it. I just turned it off and went to bed. I guess I should have taken the hint. Walk into video and see all the movies gone except a shelf full of one certain movie, don't you think there is a reason nobody else picked it up? Duh.

So here I sit the next day thinking about how I wasted my $29, and sharing those thoughts with you. I can still say though that I would rather have movies available when I want them, than to get out of paying the late fees. I can only hold myself responsible for the late fees. If I returned them on time I would have movies when I want them and not have to pay.

Yes I expect video stores to be like the Burger King slogan "Your way, right away." I want it "My way, right away."


Matt said...

No more Blockbuster. It's been Netflix for 2 or 3 years now, and it works out very well for us.

Rhonda said...

I am not sure what Netflix is all about, but I have to get into the mood to rent movies lately. Usually when I do though it turns into a weekend movie fest.