Thursday, March 22, 2007

A bit of Chili

We have a new addition to the family. Well we have had her for about a month now. She is a bit frisky but also somewhat adorable. I have succeeded over the years in not caving in to my children's whines for furry friends (Okay I did allow the hamsters, but found out that they are smelly so I won't let that happen again). Recently I have caved in and given into their pleas.

We are now the parents of a new cat named Chili (don't ask, my daughter's idea). She is black and white, doesn't even resemble chili at all. Salt & pepper maybe, but not chili.

At the moment she is sitting on the floor next to me while I am at my desk. Everytime I look down at her she takes a quick peak at me before she allows her eyes to finally close for one of her daily naps. It is funny though, it seems as if she is struggling to stay awake, but just can't manage to do so.

She is still somewhat young so she is pretty playful, yet not too annoying. Although I am getting somewhat tired of picking the shreds of toilet paper up off the floor. She is obsessed with it. Don't dare forget to close the bathroom door behind you because she will stroll right in there and sit on the toilet, then by using her paw she will unravel the toilet paper from the roll. After that she goes about bouncing around the house with the pieces ripping them into shreds all over the place. Tossing them into the air as if it is confetti paper and she is at a party. can't help but love her.


Matt said...

Congratulations on your newest family member. She sounds great.

Rhonda said...

Zataod-yeah she is great. Nice to see that you are still around.

Anonymous said...

This is great! Cat's are great! Love em! An cat lovers are great too! I only have one recommendation, get the one you have a play companion, same age, for her health, your health and they are twice the joy and fun! Will also save on toilet paper ;)

Rhonda said...

br-haha, thanks for the recommendation. I might have to give it some thought. The reason I have stayed away from pets is not that I don't like them, it is just that I've always thought that I had my hands full with three children.

If Chili doesn't chill out I'm gonna have to tap into the vacation fund to buy the mega-pack of toilet paper to keep her happy.