Saturday, December 23, 2006

Florida Bound

I'll be leaving shortly for my trip. Unfortunately I have to return to work on the 2nd so I'll be back on the 1st. I'm not sure how much of an opportunity I'll have to blog, but if I get the chance I'll do what I can.

As usual on my way home from dropping of the kids to see their father I felt a heaviness on my heart. They go to visit often, but I never seem to stop feeling this way. I am sure that they will have a nice time sharing the holidays with his family. They have a big family and everyone pretty much lives in the area, so family get-togethers are common for them. All I have here is my sis and two of her children. I wonder if when my kids get older if they will visit mom for a holiday dinner or will they have other plans. I'm hoping that we can at least work something out to celebrate together for at least one of the days, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Of course that is years down the road, no need to really think about it now.

Did I mention who I am visiting while I am in Florida? My parents live down there along with my nephew (my sister's oldest son). My parents raised her two oldest boys. She got pregnant pretty young, way before she was ready to be a mother. I'll also be visiting my grandmother, my only living grandparent. My favorite presents that I will be giving this year are for my grandmother. Besides buying her a couple of boxes of chocolates (she loves her sweets), I am returning a sweater to her that belonged to my grandfather. He use to wear cardigans all the time, and when my grandmother decided to get rid of her place here in Michigan and live in Florida all year around, my father tried to throw them out. A while back I mentioned to her that I saved several of them to remind me of him, and she said that she would like to have one. Isn't that sweet? So this Christmas that will be one of her presents. To remind her a bit of my grandfather. Now HE was a sweetheart. I miss him a lot. I didn't get to spend nearly enough time with him before he died. Anyway, along with that I also bought her a book, a collection of works by Edgar Allen Poe (one of her favorites). There isn't much you can get for a woman that will probably never return home. She will probably go straight from the rehabilition center to a nursing home. These are my favorites because it is everything she loves.

Well time for me to stop rambling. I think I'm going to run and have me a bit of lunch/dinner before my flight. As much as I enjoy not listening to my children fighting, I am not use to all of this silence. I guess the alone time is good, but WOW it seems so weird everytime I go through it.

Happy Holidays if I don't return before then.


Anonymous said...

Hi there! I didn't realized you had been back into blogland! How cool! I have a lot of posts to catch up on. I'll come back tonight from home to check them out. Hope you had an amazing Christmas! :)

Rhonda said...

Maria, well I can't really say that I had an amazing Christmas, but it was nice to visit my family. Being without my children and spending my holiday in Florida just doesn't really seem like Christmas to me. As much as I dislike being cold, I love the experience of all four seasons. A Christmas without snow just doesn't seem like Christmas. Hopefully you managed to have an amazing one.