I know what the problem is. I'm dreaming....well I'm waking up in the middle of my dreams. My dreams are all related to my everyday life. Simple things that happen, that roll over into my dreams and are somehow molded into its own variation of my life. Not necessarily making much sense, but the underlying theme of the dream is simply my life, just with a twist.
This morning I dreamed about car doors being wide open, cakes being made for a competition, and a mix between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I can't remember the entire dream, only pockets of it. My car was broken into a while back, and now I double, no triple check to make sure that my doors are always locked. This is why I saw the car doors opened. The cake decorating competition had involved my ex-in-laws (that I still get along with), but I wasn't competing against them. Somehow there were also some old friends from the military (not sure how they came into the picture). Now lately I have been baking for the holidays, and the kids are helping so they are sending some goodies to their father. Although I'm not making cakes, I'm making cookies. The mix between Thanksgiving and Christmas I just can't seem to understand, except maybe that it is simply because they are both so close together, and tend to blend into each other anyway. Like I said, the dreams are just a variation of my everyday life.
The bad part is that once I am awaken I start to think about whatever it was I dreamed about. What to make next for the goodies. Then I am left to think about something else. Why did my daughter's friend's mother call me and ask if I was going to the band concert? Well I know that we get along very well, and she does know that I always show up. Is she planning to give me a small present for the holidays? Don't you feel awkward when you get presents and don't have one to return. Although we did get something for the daughter and we were sending cookies for the family, but should I bring them then or let my daughter wait until the last day of school like she had planned? She is such a sweet lady, we get along so well. Whenever we get together for school events we end up standing around forever catching up on things.
Well that is how I spent my morning so far. I was awaken by a dream, that led me to think about other things, that eventually caused me to do what I have been doing every morning. WAKE UP way too early in the morning. Burying my head under the blanket and pillow do me absolutely no good.
Actually there is probably more to it than that. My internal clock is probably still use to waking up at 5 am, so getting up at 6 am IS sleeping in for me. Although 9 am sounds soooooo sweet.
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