Sunday, December 17, 2006

Cookies & such

Today has been a pretty good day. I made some cookies with my neighbor and my daughter. We had made some Russian Tea Cakes which were cooling. After they were cool, my daughter asked if she could have one. I told her that she could, but that she needed to roll them in powdered sugar first. I was just getting ready to sit down at the computer when I just happened to look over at her as she was gently rolling the cookies in the white powder. That is when I realized that she was rolling them in the flour and not the powdered sugar at all. Ha, ha, you should have seen the look on her face when I told her. What a silly girl! Luckily she only did a couple before I caught her.

Other than that I did find a new recipe for a slow-cooker chicken tortilla soup. I put it on this afternoon in the slow-cooker and let it cook away. I thought it was delicious, and so easy to make. Although I did skip the bay leaf and frozen corn because I didn't have any, but it was still yummy. A little something good to keep you warm this winter.

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