Sunday, October 14, 2007

Mother & Daughter

This was taken on my daughter's 15th birthday, which also happened to be her very first homecoming dance, and my 20 year class reunion. I can't believe how much she is growing up on me. Isn't she beautiful? Her escort for the evening was her boyfriend, Andrew. They looked so cute, both dressed in black and white. He also gave her a necklace for her birthday, which was sweet. Not the one in this pic, this was taken before he gave her the gift.

Before the dance my daughter, her boyfriend, her two girlfriends and all the parents had dinner together at the Olive Garden. My ex-husband and his wife came from Ohio to spend the weekend with my daughter for her birthday and all the events that took place. I thought this was really nice of them to be there for her. Come to think of it, I was the only single adult there. Wow, like that never happens.

As I said it was the same night as my 20 year class reunion. Since I decided to spend time with my daughter before the dance I was three hours late to my reunion. Of course this wasn't a big deal since I barely knew anyone there anyway. Most of my friends were older when I was in high school. Those that I did know didn't come for one reason or another. There were about 4 people there that I actually knew. I can't say that high school was the most memorable time in my life. Obvious huh?


Matt said...

I have contact with one person from high school. Sadly, I've already forgotten the names of about half the people I went to high school with.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of you and your daughter! :)

Rhonda said...

Zataod-Yeah, I wasn't a big hit at my reunion. I am sure that those that I didn't know didn't know me either.
