Friday, August 17, 2007

Hustle Time

Do the hustle....

Yeah, last night was fun. I am hoping that I will be able to make these dance classes a regular thing. I swear they teach about fifteen different ones or more per night, so you can imagine how lost I am by the time I leave. The answer is no, I do not remember a single one. Although today several of my girlfriends at work taught me how to do the Turbo Hustle (now that is a workout). At first I had a bit of trouble getting the "roll" together, but I think I am getting it finally. I told myself that I would learn at least one dance so that I can get on the floor with everyone and do at least that one without messing up. Don't get me wrong, they have been awesome about working with me. One instructor in particular must realize that I am extra special because she seems to be giving me extra attention. I had to laugh when we were doing the "Bad Girl" and she tried to get me to put a little extra groove into it. I had to let her know that first off I would need to get the steps down before I try to put a little hip or shoulder action into it.

It has been really fun though. Great for me and my girlfriends to get together outside of work, and also for me to get my daughter to learn with me.

A friend of mine came over while we were talking about it and thought we were talking about the 1970's hustle. Little did he know that there are so many new hustles out there, along with Chicago steps. I had to share a story from my early teens when I had bought a book that had punch out feet that you placed on the floor so that you could learn the steps to the hustle. I remember trying it, but I never did learn back then. I wasn't much of a dancer. I also turned a guy down for Prom only because I was afraid that I would have to dance. When I look back now I realize how silly that was. Now I want to learn how to do all the dances. I do know how to two-step, a few line dances, the electric slide (who doesn't know that?), polka and the waltz. I wouldn't mind adding to my list, salsa, ballroom and a heck of lot more hustles.

If you haven't tried it or are afraid to dance, don't pull a Rhonda and miss out, get your butt off the couch and give it a try.

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