Monday, October 15, 2007

Strange sleeping habits

An update from one of the items listed on my Life List.

I had listed that I wanted to move my cat (who sleeps on one of the pedals of my elliptical machine) so that I would use my machine regularly. Well guess what? Today I did use my machine, I know it's a miracle. AND, I didn't have to move Chilli from the machine, BUT while riding I did have a perfect view of another one of her favorite sleeping spots which she was occupying at the time. Within the past few months she has claimed the top of my china cabinet as hers. The funny thing is that another one of her quirks is that she regularly sleeps while on her back with belly exposed and legs spread wide (sometimes tail tucked between the legs). This is exactly the position that I found her in this evening as I was gliding not so gracefully on my machine. She amazes me everyday with her silly ways.

She picked up this little sleeping habit after I had her fixed a few months ago. Is this unusual or something that many cats do after their surgery? She seems fine otherwise. When I say she does this regularly, I mean she probably spends at least 50% of her sleep time on her back, and for a cat you know that is a lot of time. Strange huh?

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