Friday, April 06, 2007

Only in my own head

Only in my own head....

can I sing (haha). Please never ever ever let me hear myself singing on tape again. If anyone besides myself would have heard that tape, I would have been able to put that on my "Life's Most Embarrassing Moments" list.

Enough about that time to watch "Cast Away." Yes, I know it is old, but I have never seen it. I have a night to myself and the popcorn in the microwave. I thought about going out to catch a movie, but since this Michigan weather is so wacky and decided to return to freezing weather again this week after such beautiful weather last week, I refuse to leave the house. So in the warmth of my livingroom with my diet Pepsi and popcorn, I am enjoying the evening with Tom Hanks.

1 comment:

Cheryl Wray said...

I love to sing also and I do it loudly--I just don't do it well! lol
So funny becuase my daughter was watching "Castaway" just last night.