Saturday, August 26, 2006

How to make a taco costume

It has been quite some time since I last posted on this blog. For some strange reason my daughter wants me to start up again.

I asked her, "Why, do you want me to tell everyone how my dryer broke last night?"

"No, you can write funny conversations that we have." She obviously thinks I have a great sense of humor, which I do, but I can't always express it when I write. When funny things happen to me, they are never as funny in my writings as they are in person. To be honest I think she is more and more like me the older she gets. She just sat down next to me on our other computer and did a search for "how to make a taco costume." There IS actually a site for this; it seems that you can find out how to do just about anything on the net.

So here I am back to blogging at least for now. How often I'll be able to write is another question. I'm trying to push myself and take three classes this term, along with working full-time and raising my three kids alone. Fortunately for me they are getting older, so I don't have to be there to provide them constant attention. When I considered taking on one more class than usual this term I approached my kids to see how they felt about it.

One of my sons, Jason, responded, "Mom, you're the adult, you make the decisions."

"I know, but this is a decision that affects the entire family, so I need your input. If I take on more classes that means that I'll be here less for you guys."

They agreed that more classes would be a good idea and that I should go for it.

So what else is new with me? Oh, I went to my girlfriend's wedding this past weekend and caught the bouquet. It was actually pretty funny, but too bad I'm not searching for a boyfriend right now. I think my plate is already a bit full to make time for anyone else at least until the end of the year. Maybe I'll tell the story about catching the bouquet another day.

Another thing that will add to my list of things to do is that next month when my daughter turns fourteen she wants to start volunteering at the local hospital. We considered the University of Michigan hospital, but to volunteer there you have to be sixteen years of age. I think it will be good for her, the boys want to also, but of course they are still too young. There are a lot of different duties that she can volunteer to do, but she probably won't know or decide until she goes in for her interview.


Anonymous said...

Hi there! Long time no's so good to hear from you! So glad you are enjoying school. Your daughter sounds wonderful asking you to keep up with the blogging thing ;) You can tell her I say hello and thanks! You can practice your Spanish anytime, just call me, LOL.

Rhonda said...

Hey Maria-yeah thanks for the welcome back. I can't say that I have been doing much with my scrapbooking either. I would love to take some digital classes sometime. You seem to be enjoying it. I haven't been doing much photography either lately. I guess that is something else that I need to get back to. Actually I am interested in taking a photography class from somewhere that is willing to accept tuition from my work. Also I might get a chance to make my way down to Florida this Christmas again. I am not sure if my kids will be with me this time because this year they will probably spend it with their father. My father had a mini stroke this past father's day, and my grandmother is yet another year older, so I would like to get down and see them. I usually get my mom to come up here every summer, but my dad never comes, and my grandmother can't travel.