Saturday, August 26, 2006

Yes, his mother wrote his love note

Here we have a picture of "Little Rhonda" or should I say "Little Bobbie" since I look so much like my father. I actually remember the day that this picture was taken. I was in kindergarten. I remember walking home from school with my sister. What sticks in my mind so well about this particular day was that for some strange reason I insisted on wearing my mom's pantyhose, and she actually let me. Of course with me being only six years old at the time, those pantyhose kept falling down on me. All the way home I kept having to stop and pull them up. My sister refused to wait for me, and walked the rest of the way home by herself, leaving me behind. Of course when she reached the house without me mom was just a little bit upset.

Isn't it amazing how more than thirty years later I can still remember that dress.

Another memory that I have of myself from kindergarten was when another classmate, John, had his mother write me a love note. Of course being in kindergarten I guess they didn't think that I could read the letter yet so he gave it to the teacher to read it to me. HOW EMBARRASSING!! Then shortly after that my mother went to a parent teachers conference, and who do you think she saw there? You got it, the boy's mother. Of course when she found out who my mother was she couldn't wait to tell her the story. AGAIN HOW EMBARRASSING!!

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