Saturday, March 31, 2007


This morning I went browsing through some different blogs. One that I came across was "Ramblings: a snapshot of my brain." I enjoyed the story of her first crush and her attempt to send this boy the "NOTE." I left a comment on her blog, and also added it to my blog below. I have always been one that loves to reflect back on my life. Who was it that said "never look back?" Why not? I love to look back, there have been some things in my life that maybe I shouldn't reflect back on, but with those I have usually walked away with a lesson learned. All the other stuff is just worth remembering. I don't remember my childhood being bad for me.

Anyway here is my comment:

My "note" went the opposite way. I was on the receiving end of it. I remember it well. I was in kindergarten, and it was given to me by a boy named Johnny. Yuck! It was one of the most humiliating moments in my life. You see, writing is not one of a child's best skills when they are in kindergarten, so this little boy felt the need to have his mother write the note for him. He brought it to school, and since reading is another skill that is not mastered by those in kindergarten he gave the note to the teacher to read for me. Talk about embarrassing! I'm quite sure that I turned the deepest shade of red.

Okay that was bad enough but it got worse. Several days later just happened to be the day for parent/teachers conferences. My mother conveniently ran into another mother while there. Yep, you guessed it, Johnny's mother. Of course she couldn't help but tell the story to my mother, who in turn came home to share it with me AGAIN!

OH needless to say, he was NEVER my "boyfriend."

I can't say if this has affected me in any way throughout my lifetime, but I know that it was enough of an impact for me those many years ago that I haven't forgotten about it, and I don't look back on it fondly. Although at least now I can laugh and shake my head when I think about it.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Just life

Finally I have some time to actually sit back and relax. Even though I have not had to work the past two weeks, those two weeks still managed to be extremely hectic for me. Mostly I think it was all of the homework that I had to catch up on. I have one more week off of work and I am going to try to work ahead in some of my assignments, that way when I do get back to work hopefully I'll be ahead of the game.

I must say though that I am looking forward to getting back to work. I think having so much time off of work these past two years that I just seem to get lazy during the weeks off. I would much rather just keep working with the few weeks off here and there throughout the year. Let me also say that it has done nothing for my waistline either. Thank goodness the weather is getting nice and I'll be able to spend more time outside. Even with living in Michigan I still have never gotten use to, nor enjoyed the weather months. The only enjoyment I get out of it is watching it snow from the comforts of my window.

I did recently get an Ipod (okay, yes I am probably behind most folks that have already had theirs). I took some time out last week to install some music and pictures onto it. It is 30GB, and supposedly I can download some movies onto it, but I haven't bothered with that yet. To be honest I doubt that I ever will (who would want to sit there and watch a movie on a screen that small?).

I'm reading a book titled "When Culture and Biology Collide." The beginning of the book covers road rage. My daughter and I had a discussion about it, and she shared with me how her father expresses road rage, not the get out your car and kick some butt type, but instead the curse everyone on the road out because they aren't doing exactly what you want them to do type. She said I am different, I rarely say or do anything when I am bothered by someone on the road. The last time I did anything was probably a year or so ago. Well that was last night, so what do you think happened today? Nothing major, but I was the victim of some mild road rage. I was leaving the school (the boys had their first school dance today) and as I was trying to pull out onto the main road some young impatient boy in the car behind me decided that I wasn't moving fast enough so he started blowing his horn. After I did pull out I decided I'LL SHOW HIM and made sure I drove below the speed limit. Of course I was being an idiot for letting that kid annoy me over something so stupid, and my droving slow did absolutely nothing because he never even managed to catch up with me. All it did was take me longer to get to my destination, and all his honking did nothing for him because he poked along after that.

Okay before heading to bed let me share one more thing with you. I just walked into my bedroom and what do you think I found? My bed has been taken over by my daughter and Chili. My daughter is spread out with her feet near the pillows and her head at the foot of the bed, and when I say spread out I mean spread out, taking over the entire queen size bed. Of course she did manage to leave some room for Chili to curl up in a ball next to her. Chili seems to have two favorite spots lately, the foot of my bed or my desk chair when I am not in it. It seems that every time that I get up out of it, upon my return I almost always find her.

Well not the most exciting post (not that any of mine are), but at least I added something to this blog. It seems I keep disappearing for months at a time.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

A bit of Chili

We have a new addition to the family. Well we have had her for about a month now. She is a bit frisky but also somewhat adorable. I have succeeded over the years in not caving in to my children's whines for furry friends (Okay I did allow the hamsters, but found out that they are smelly so I won't let that happen again). Recently I have caved in and given into their pleas.

We are now the parents of a new cat named Chili (don't ask, my daughter's idea). She is black and white, doesn't even resemble chili at all. Salt & pepper maybe, but not chili.

At the moment she is sitting on the floor next to me while I am at my desk. Everytime I look down at her she takes a quick peak at me before she allows her eyes to finally close for one of her daily naps. It is funny though, it seems as if she is struggling to stay awake, but just can't manage to do so.

She is still somewhat young so she is pretty playful, yet not too annoying. Although I am getting somewhat tired of picking the shreds of toilet paper up off the floor. She is obsessed with it. Don't dare forget to close the bathroom door behind you because she will stroll right in there and sit on the toilet, then by using her paw she will unravel the toilet paper from the roll. After that she goes about bouncing around the house with the pieces ripping them into shreds all over the place. Tossing them into the air as if it is confetti paper and she is at a party. can't help but love her.