Thursday, September 28, 2006

When life hands you grapes, make wine

Sometimes rumors are better left unheard. The other day my girlfriend told me a rumor about the future of my place of employment. Of course we all know that rumors aren't reliable, and should be taken as such, but sometimes it is a little hard to not think about it especially when my future is at stake. I wish she never would have told me. I was having such a good week, I didn't want it to be spoiled by something that probably isn't even true. Yes I am a worry wart, how can I not be. If it was just me that I had to worry about it would be easier, but I have three children that rely on me.

You know what I have always been a survivor. I have had good jobs before and whatever happens I am sure that I will find a way to make things work. So go ahead, tell me to stop worrying about tomorrow and enjoy today. It seems that things in my life have always happened for a reason. I may not have known it at the time, and it may have been difficult, but it really does always seem to work out.

On the bright side my daughter will be turning fourteen tomorrow. She is having a sleepover and I'm sure it will be fun. It's hard to believe that my kids are growing up. I think they are turning out to be pretty good kids, and I am pleased.


Anonymous said...

I hope everything is OK. Don’t think about what you were told and try to see things in a positive way. You’ve just said it – your kids “are turning out to be pretty good kids” and you are part of this!
I left you a concise English version of “Hallelujah” - I’ll see how can integrate both Spanish and English in my blog. Again, thanks for stopping by.
Have a nice weekend!

Rhonda said...

Thanks Cecilia, although sometimes not thinking about it is easier said than done. I'm trying though.