Monday, December 26, 2005

She LOVED it!

Here is a picture of my grandmother as she is looking at the heritage book that I made for her Christmas present this year. It was so sad, she was crying as she was looking at the pages. As she looked at each old picture she did exactly what we thought she would do. She tried to tell us exactly what was taking place at the time of the photo. Like the photo that my father said was her wedding picture was not. She explained that she was not sure but they never did take any pictures on their wedding day.

I am so happy that I decided to create this album for my grandmother. She told me that I could not know how much she appreciated the book. That it was the best present that she ever received. When I dropped her off at home, before leaving she picked the book up and looked through it again. This was the best present that I have received this year, seeing how much she enjoyed it.

UPDATE: I just got off the phone with my grandmother. She asked me if I could add any pages to her book. She wants me to come over and go through some of her old pictures with her and pick out some that she wants to include. My grandmother was a registered nurse, and I know she wants me to make a page from a picture she has of her in her nurses uniform. It really makes me happy to know that she is so pleased with it. I told her I would come over tomorrow to look through some of the pictures with her. We are also working on getting a tape for the video camera to record her. Unfortunately we didn't have one to use during Christmas. It might be a good idea to record her going through the pictures. This will refresh her memory and allow her to give details to all of the pictures.


Anonymous said...

Wow, priceless! What a priceless gift you gave her. I am sure she loved it! I love the picture you took of her. What a great idea to record her as she going through the makes me want to cry to see how happy she must have been!

Topwomen said...

I think back about how I never gave my elderly relatives anything of that kind of intrinsic value and I admire you so much for having the heart and energy to demonstrate such love. May it come back to you ten fold!

Rhonda said...

Just to see how pleased she was with it made all the work worth it. She is an awesome grandmother.