Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Only in my dreams!

Sometimes I have the weirdest dreams. Last night is a perfect example. Well I can't say it is too weird, because I can understand why I did it. I'm amused by the way that the mind works in our dream states, at least in mine.

Last night I had a dream that I looked into a mirror and for some reason I placed my finger behind my two front teeth. Moving my finger from side to side I realized that these two teeth in particular were nearly transparent, well not necessarily transparent, but pretty darn close. Of course since I have always been one to notice one's teeth upon first meeting them, I found this to be very disturbing. I know sounds pretty vain huh? So much going on in the world and I have to dream about the appearance of my teeth.

Well the reason behind the dream was the fact that I had a dentist appointment last week. While I was there they had an advertisement on their wall about a Sonic toothbrush. I happened to ask the dental tech about it and she said that it was basically for people that drank a lot of coffee or other such things that discolored their teeth. She added that I need not worry about it because my teeth were already white.

It is strange how daily events can trigger such dreams. I guess her saying that my teeth were white caused me to take it to the extreme and imagine them to be nearly transparent.

Anyway, time to run. Maybe next time I'll repeat the dream where a completely blue Elizabeth Taylor tried to give me dating advice. Ha,ha, yeah I know that is pretty funny.